Nutritional Supplement Consumption — A Consumer Survey | MEND

1 min readJun 22, 2020

MEND, 3 mins ago

In a survey of 500 people we set out to learn more about current nutritional supplement consumption habits. It’s clear that people not only understand their nutrition falls short, but would also be significantly more interested in formulations backed by clinical trials. Hospital studies have shown that as many as 50% of people are undernourished or malnourished. We’re excited to have confirmed what we thought to be true: not all nutritional supplements were created equal.

MEND’s 4 products — Orthopedic, Regenerate, Joint Replacement, and Cosmetic — deliver formulations derived by doctors, registered dietitians, scientists and chefs. with the scientific rigor to deliver results. Visit our product and testimonials page to learn more about each formula.

Originally published at on June 22, 2020.




A life sciences and biotechnology company focused on healing and well-being.